Leadership and Skills
What is for?
- To lead from the internal strengths and become aware of the impact of leading their teams and their organization.
- Develop interpersonal skills aimed at achieving a more effective relationship with others (empathy, listening, feedback, etc.).
- Reflect on the fact that there is no one way to lead, but a style from which to influence the team.
- To provide a series of tools through actions to develop leadership and relationship with others, not only in professional but also personal.
- Diagnose situational leadership style and learn to identify himself if effective depending on the maturity of your team.
What tools are used normally?
- Advanced Insights Profile: a questionnaire to assess (1) behaviour; (2) values, and; (3) Competences and skills associated with leadership, in order to be aware of strong points and points to be improved and the anchorage between their values and the values required in the management of people.
- Questionnaire to diagnose communication styles if your style is assertive, aggressive or passive-aggressive.
Situational Leadership Questionnaire to diagnose differentiating leadership style focused behaviors and results-focused relationship.
- The Coaching Game in order to explore different areas of our lives, to bring enjoyable and special fresh air to the process, to avoid the logic of the client and to broaden its current point of view and work from a creative perspective when the client finds it difficult to express itself on how to be or feels blocked.
- TablePro is a training tool METALOG. It is a learning method that creates a metaphor of learning in which the participants perform behaviors that are analyzed from the viewpoint of “leadership” or skills.
- Video fragments showing individual leadership skills.
- Books, articles, blog posts in order to go into depth on specific aspects that may be worked on during coaching sessions.
Characteristics of the process | Benefits for the Company |
Other Expected results
- Greater awareness of the role of leadership in their work context.
- Consciously use strengths as a leader.
Expected profitability
Estimated ROI of 60% of the investment
Cases of Success
- Cosmetics Sector. 50 employees. Leadership workshop with 4 heads of business team to develop a better self-knowledge and better skills of their respective teams.
- Institutions 200 employees: Group of businessmen from small and medium enterprises. Leadership skills workshop aimed at middle managers in companies of different sectors.
- Pharmaceutical industry. 50 employees. Workshop for middle management and the sales team aims to develop communication skills (active listening, empathy and concreteness) and presentation skills.
Companies and their partners will be provided when requested.