High-performance teams
What is it for?
- To promote a shared purpose aligned with the organization, to generate group cohesion, role awareness, strategies to resolve conflicts and a continuous attitude for learning.
- To develop creativity processes, which is especially useful in R+D teams.
- To achieve group dynamics processes based on success, change, inspiration, openness, proactivity and open and fluent communication.
- To achieve team awareness, by means of the implementation of rituals such as the celebration of achievements, and to develop a collective pride together with a shared vision and mission.
What tools are used normally?
- Table Pro is a learning method based on experience in which participants show behaviour and carry out actions that are later analysed from a “teamwork” point of view. For example, subjects such as communication, patience, or rapport may be addressed, and a climate of trust, respect and tolerance may be generated.
- Elastic Rubber band. This may be used to lead the following subjects: coordination, reciprocal relations and systemic interdependence, and solidarity.
- An explorer may be applied to some of the following subjects, among others: interaction between teams, operation of learning systems, recognition of win-win situations, or feedback processes.
- Kultur Pro to work on subjects of development of common rules (for example, the fusion of two teams, or the formation of a new team), the establishment of rules and inter-cultural teams.
- The Coaching Game to develop a specific skill as a leader, to help to define leadership actions and to identify difficulties in the leadership role.
- Tao Pro is a tool that seeks the collective intelligence of the team based on the potentiality of its members, opening the team up to the possibility of finding new perspectives for old and/or new problems and promoting dynamics based on giving and receiving, empathetic communication and collaboration.
- Formative actions for the development of skills such as leadership, teamwork, and inter-personal communication.
- Group accompaniments in order to evoke situations that the group is experiencing.
- Behavioural test in order to identify dynamics for and against the actions of the group.
- Test of values in order to identify spontaneous areas of agreement and understanding and areas of friction between members.
- Workshops in order to bring problems between members or towards other work groups together.
- Practical cases in order to illustrate certain problems, with their respective solutions.
Characteristics of the process |
Beneficios que implica para la Empresa |
Other results expected
- Increased commitment with the Company.
- Ability to implement new ideas.
- A climate of respect and understanding towards the different opinions and manners of others.
- Open and fluent communication.
- Development of inter-personal skills.
Profitability expected
ROI estimated at 80%.
Verifiable cases of success
- Industrial Sector. 60 employees. Diagnosis of the group processes of an R+D team in order to propose intervention guided towards promoting creativity.
- Building sector. 5000 employees. Via indoor / outdoor training, experiencing specific aspects that help to build a team, and to develop and strengthen it.
- Industrial Sector. 600 employees. Carrying-out of a project for the diagnosis of management skills for the management team. Design of a program to develop these for the members of the team, by means of collective and individual methodologies.