Customer Experience
What is for?
- Learning to bring the emotional experience of product to the customer knowing their level of satisfaction with it.
- Know the rational, emotional and experiential elements of customer involved in a “customer experience”.
- Knowing the possible interactions that a company can develop with the client before and after the purchase process for all its “customer experience” time.
What tools are commonly used?
- Semi-structured interviews and focus groups to understand the perceptions and meanings that customers place on a product.
- Ethnography (live with the target group of customers for a while) to (1) identify attitudes and lifestyles related to the choice of a product, (2) identify unmet needs in relation to a product, and (3) understand motivations and underlying all his experiences, likes, dislikes, time of day, location and behavior.
- Social Networking for the satisfaction of our product through “the network.”
- Moments of truth for comparing customer expectations with perceived experience throughout the entire cycle of pre-sales, sales and post-sales.
- Mystery Shopping face and / or phone aimed at capturing the quality of care and service offered.
Characteristics of the process |
Benefits for the Company |
Other Expected results
Get a memorable customer experience with our service and product.
Expected Yield
Estimated ROI of 40%
Verifiable Success Cases
- Pubic Services / energy. 200 workers. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups to capture the experience of current product / service and anticipate the reaction to a new product.
- Tourism Sector (shelters). 300 Employees. Performing a set of Mistery to identify the customer shopping experience and drive projects to reduce existing gaps.
- Automotive Sector. 600 Employees Performing a Mystery shopping to dealers to identify the treatment that is given the customer along the sales process. This was carried out for a manufacturer of multi-components.